About the company
company was founded in February 2007 to service the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia and the surrounding areas. The goal
of the company is to provide a high quality product at a reasonable cost. The primary way the company feels this can
be accomplished is to have an individual that understands the complete process. This includes not only the engineering
design but the surveying behind the design, drafting the plans and plats for approval and how the project could be built.
By having these abilities, the client will be working directly with the individual processing their project. The founder does not only believe this but has lived it.


Lost River Dam "A solid foundation"
Meet the
MAN behind LELLOCK CONSULTING David E. Lellock,
PE, LS, LEED Green Associate, has over 21 years of experience in multiple facets of land development. His well-rounded
career began in construction stakeout and then moved onto land surveying.
David has constructed
and surveyed interstate highways, residential subdivisions and earthen dams.

Lost River Dam "It starts
to take shape"

Lost River Dam "The building continues"
It is this
foundation that has greatly enhaced David's ability as an engineer. Creating and discovering new ways to improve designs
is an ongoing endeavor.
As a licensed professional engineer, David has designed a host
of commercial and residential projects. His expertise does not just extend to site plans and drainage studies.
He has taught and mentored junior engineers thereby reinforcing his own understanding of the design process. He has
also developed Excel Spreadsheets to produce accurate computations more efficiently. The company has expanded over the years
to provide land surveying serivces to clients. This has brought David back to the foundation where he started.
